5 Reasons to Never Potty Train Your Child


There are few things that parents fear more then potty training.  Diapers are comfortable, the parent is in control.  Having a potty trained child sounds wonderful, but the messy wet road to get there is enough to make any Mom or Dad run for the hills!  Don’t we as parents already have enough to deal with? Sleep regression, temper tantrums, battles over nap time, and don’t even think about asking your toddler to brush his teeth.  I.AM.Exhausted.  So the thought of never ever potty training is an appealing one at times.  Because who really wants to step  unexpectedly into a puddle of pee or find a poop surprise around the house.  Here are my 5 reasons to never potty train your child:

5 Reasons to Never Potty Train Your Child

1 – There is no such thing as a laundry fairy – Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny may have visited our house, but so far the laundry fairy is no where to be seen.  Therefore I an the one who gets stuck doing the mountains of laundry that we accumulate in a week.  Add on top of that multiple outfit changes and more sheets into the mix. no thanks!  Until the laundry fairy shows up I am out.

2 -Being tethered to the house – I am not a good “Stay at home mom” we are always on the go to local play groups, and visiting with friends and family.  There is rarely a day where we have nothing going on.  But the thought of having to deal with accidents while outside of the house (or even worse in the car) makes me want to hide behind the potty.

3 – Packing to go out is so much easier – Grab a couple of diapers and wipes and you are out the door.  Once your are into potty training territory you need so much more – underwear, pants, socks, extra shoes (ew!).  All of a sudden the diaper bag has turned into a small suitcase.

4 – Public washrooms – while most are not too bad we have all been in the one.  You know the one that is gross and dirty, of course your toddler will want to touch EVERYTHING. Yuck Yuck Yuck, I will take a pass.

5 – I don’t dance – at least I don’t do the “Potty Dance” (go ahead Google it).  Dancing at a wedding, sure! But do we really need a dance to celebrate that pee has made it into the waste management system?

For all the glory of being diaper free it sure seems like it is a long road to get there!  So fess up what is your potty training advice?

P.S. In case you hadn’t guessed this is a satirical post


13 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Never Potty Train Your Child”

  1. Ha! I can still relate to so much of this. I was always on the go too. I had books for babies, Gymboree, play dates, swimming…it will happen. Funny how sometimes it seems like it was the grandparents who cared more about that stuff than we did!

  2. Yea! I am a potty dancer…but also a kitchen dancer as well….and oh a potty high fiver…my excuse is being a silly great aunt 🙂

  3. Don’t have any. My little guy starts school in September, and he’s still in diapers/pull ups. But he is starting to not like being wet, so asks to get changed right away. And he also has started knowing when he has to go, so occasionally has started going to the toilet.

  4. oh my are we struggling with the potty training these days…. so glad to know there are reasons why cleaning up loads of poopy diapers is still a good thing! 😉

    1. Little Miss Kate

      It can be so hard, we take the all or nothing approach when we train. Into underwear during the day and don’t go back to diapers. I hope you are diaper free soon!

  5. Honestly…. my husband comes from a culture where they insist on potty-training just before the 1-year birthday. She was accustomed to a potty and familiar with everything. I switched to cloth diapers first so she could feel better when she was wet. Then one day I just told her she was going to use the potty every time…. I put away all her diapers and let her run around either naked or in panties. There were many messes the first day. Less the second, and within a week she was using the potty for every pee (poop took another year…)

    1. Wow before a year that is impressive! I thought that potty training my 2 before 2.5 years was on the early side. Cloth diapers do make a huge difference I think in helping with the potty training process.

  6. I agree all or nothing. I worked in daycare for 8 years mainly toddlers and preschoolers. We were able to train children in a week to 2ax if the parents were consistent at home with our methods. Diapers for sleeptime is ideal

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