Looking for an Outdoor Skating Rink in Milton or Georgetown?
The warm weather is unfortunately behind us but we still find ourselves searching for family entertainment, and with the Winter Weather starting to begin, why not keep the kids busy, healthy and active this winter with Skating. Use this as your guide to Skating in Milton and Georgetown. Whether you are looking for outdoor ice skating rinks in Milton or Georgetown, public skating, or Milton outdoor rinks, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Outdoor Skating Rinks are a great place to take places this winter and enjoy skating in Milton and Halton Hills. Halton is home to frozen ponds, skating trails, premade frozen rinks all for families to enjoy this winter!
Outdoor Skating Rinks near Milton and Georgetown
Looking for more Winter Fun? Checkout our Guide to Winter Fun!
Checkout our other Skating Guides:

Outdoor Skating in MILTON

Exciting news is there is a new collaborative project between residents and the Town of Milton as they introduce neighbourhood rinks. A neighbourhood rink provides a community building opportunity where a group of neighbours are committed to building and operating an outdoor ice rink at a community park for all residents to enjoy, free of charge.
Scheduled to Open in Jan: Neighbourhood Rinks (based on 2023 – Milton has updated 2024 info)
For everyone’s safety and enjoyment please follow these rules:
- Only skate on the ice when the sign indicates it is open
- Skates must be worn on the surface at all times. No boots or shoes allowed.
- Skate at your own risk. CSA approved helmets are strongly encouraged to be worn by all skaters.
- Rink is open from dawn to dusk. When Town lighting is available, or alternate lighting has been pre-approved, the rink may be open until 10 p.m.
- Open to all members of the community & share with skaters of all ages and abilities
Outdoor Skating Rinks in Milton:
Two outdoor rinks are being maintained by Town staff,:
- Milton’s Rotary Park – 100 Garden Lane
- Campbellville’s Old Baseball Diamond – 105 Campbell Avenue East.
Ice Skating in HALTON HILLS – GEORGETOWN/ACTON: Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks

Weather permitting, Town staff will construct and maintain natural outdoor ice rinks at the following locations (subject to change): For Updated Information.
Georgetown – Fairgrounds Park
- 1 Park Avenue, Georgetown
- 1-2 rinks (weather dependent)
- Nearby parking, outdoor lighting
Acton – Prospect Park
- 30 Park Avenue, Acton
- 1-2 rinks (weather dependent)
- Nearby parking, outdoor lighting
Where possible, the Town will assist neighbourhood volunteer groups in their efforts to establish and maintain natural rinks at other park locations in the community. Interested individuals or groups are invited to contact the Director of Parks and Open Space at 905-873-2601 ext. 2274 for further information.
Outdoor rinks maintained by volunteers

Terra Cotta Conservation Area Skating in Halton Hills
Wolf Lake offers multiple small skating rinks for your group. Man-made ice rinks are also available around the park by reservation. Seasoned hockey players and beginners alike can play a great Canadian tradition, pond hockey.
Please note some rinks are available for reservation while others are first come first served. Skates are not available for rent. Please bring your own equipment.
Reserve you own skating rink: Terra Cotta Conservation Area Skating Reservations.