6 Tips That Could Help Your Child to Enjoy Reading Books

Books can influence the way children think and behave, and have been shown to have a distinct effect on a child’s development. After all, books can teach children how to engage with others as they live vicariously through the characters and gain different perspectives. If you’re trying to foster your child’s love of reading, here are some tips to consider. You may be interested in some tips to motivate your child to do well in school.
6 Tips That Could Help Your Child to Enjoy Reading Books

6 Tips That Could Help Your Child to Enjoy Reading Books

1.    Start them at a young age

Children develop value systems at a young age through their experiences and the lessons that their parents teach them. These will influence the habits that they form throughout the rest of their lives; and so, it’s vital for children to develop reading habits at an early age. Early reading skills are connected with academic success later on in life and can lead to a higher aptitude for writing and communication. Reading helps to expand childhood vocabulary and assists in the exploration of their interests. Not to mention, reading with your child is  a great bonding activity.

2.    Set aside time to read each day

Children thrive with structure and routine. It helps them make sense of the world around them while also providing a sense of stability and dependability. One way to help establish routine is by creating family rituals and activities that the child can look forward to. Reading can easily fit into each day while being a bonding experience. Daily reading time also establishes an emphasis on reading as a positive habit that should take priority,  in which the lead by example. Finally, it’s a great way to relax and create quiet time before bed.6 Tips That Could Help Your Child to Enjoy Reading Books

3.    Let your child choose books they like

A great way to cultivate an interest in reading and books with your child is to involve them in the process of selection. For instance, talk to them about what they want to read about and what they like in these books. Listen to what they say and take it into account when bringing books home. Don’t be afraid to indulge them either. For instance, if your child is going through a dinosaur phase, then bring dinosaur books home. This is the easiest way to get a child interested in books. On the same token, let them pick a book based on the illustrations. Anything that captures their attention will be helpful in cultivating their interest in books. Use your discretion when it comes to maturity level, while also not being too selective about their choices.

4.    Visit the library or online bookstore together

Visiting a library, finding a local discount children’s book store, or even shopping online for cheap children’s books is a great way to get them excited about books. It becomes an activity that they can look forward to. By nurturing your child’s interest early on, their interest will continue to expand as they grow. The places mentioned are also ideal for finding new stories and books because prices are either free or very affordable. After all, picture books don’t take long to get through and can be finished in a couple of minutes, so it doesn’t make sense to spend a fortune on each individual book.

6 Tips That Could Help Your Child to Enjoy Reading Books

5.    Ask questions and make real-life connections

Don’t be afraid to stop reading mid-way through a story to ask your child questions about the book. For instance, ask your child about their opinion on something the protagonist did or even what they think the protagonist should do in the situation presented. These questions encourages them to reflect and make connections to real life. If the story is about an object in real life, such as a tiara, point it out if you come across one at a store or a parade. Doing this will make the book a conversation point for you and your child.

6.    Boost imagination with fairy tales

Fairy tales introduce children to new worlds and creatures which allow their minds to run wild. This is a great genre to begin with when introducing your child to books for this reason. They also teach valuable lessons and principles which is an added bonus.

Don’t forget to encourage Writing as it is also an important building block needed to build Literacy Skills. 

Tools for learning

Books can be incredible tools in childhood development. They influence their values, habits, and even their academic success later in life. You have the power to cultivate strong reading habits in a child with relative ease. Simply start them at a young age, make it a regular occurrence, and involve the child in the selection process.


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