Worksheets are a great educational way to keep your kids busy and entertained while working on fine motor skills. These Free Dinosaur Worksheets Preschool and kindergarten focused are great for helping your little one learn letter and number recognition and counting skills. Plus they won’t drain your colour ink as they are black and white coloring sheets only. Find more FREE Printables for young learners on our website with a variety of themes and holidays.

These Dinosaur worksheets have a focus on simple math and letters perfect for young children. They are a fantastic way to get your children focused on the basics while having fun with dinosaur activities. Learning through dinosaur theme play is a great way to encourage your children’s development and math skills. These free dinosaur worksheets are perfect for preschool and kindergarten and feature a variety of different dinosaurs for your little paleontologist to practice literacy skills with.

These Free Dinosaur Printable activities worksheets are a fun way to pass the time on rainy days, weekends, summer, march break and more. If your emergent reader is a dino lover then this set of preschool dinosaur printables is for you. Your little ones are going to enjoy this no matter the reason or the season to get extra practice with uppercase and lowercase letters. Over 25 pages of activities in one PDF for easy downloading and printing. Look for the GREEN/BLUE box at the bottom of the post to download the whole set.
Free Dinosaur Printables
For preschool kids you can pair these worksheets with dinosaur puzzles, dinosaur books, dinosaur crafts and toy dinosaurs in a sensory bin. They work perfectly to encourage your children to learn through play. This printable pack includes letter recognition, math, coloring pages and more to encourage your little ones to engage in learning.
These sheets are easy to use. If you are looking for Kindergarten dinosaur worksheets simply print them off and get started with the fun! They can be used as part of lesson plans too.
Printing Practice
These Kindergarten dinosaur worksheets include printing practice for your kids. They can simply trace the letters. The entire alphabet is included in both upper and lower case.
There are also cute dinosaur pictures along the side of the printing practices pages. Your little ones can colour them in when they are done tracing the letters.
Writing Practice
Your children can learn to write their numbers with these free dinosaur printables. These pages include numbers from one to twenty. Your children can simply trace over the numbers. This helps with gross motor skills, muscle memory and more. Each page includes at least one dinosaur picture to be colored.
Much like the printing practice pages, there are cute dinosaurs lining the sides of the page. Encourage your little ones to colour the dinos when they are done with their numbers.

Word Writing
With these kindergarten dinosaur worksheets PDF, your children can practice sight words. Have your children colour in the image and then trace the word. This will help them with word association, spelling, and reading.
This section of the printable is great for creativity. Your children are sure to enjoy colouring and tracing.
Free Dinosaur Worksheets Preschool
Count and Colour
The count and colour pages of these worksheets are perfect for math. Have your child read the number out loud and colour the amount of the corresponding image.
This is a great learning tool for counting, math and more.
Kindergarten Dinosaur Worksheets
Dinosaur Subtraction
On the subtraction page of the free dinosaur printable encourages your little one to do subtraction exercises. First, they will cross out the correct number of dinosaurs to help them solve the problem. They can then write the correct solution in the blank space provided.
This is a great way to familiarize your kids with math and numbers.

Dinosaur Addition
Dinosaur lovers will enjoy the addition pages, which encourage you to add the sum of the pictures to get the solution. Your little kids simply counts the images and puts the solution in the provided space.
There are also pictures for them to colour in.
Days of the Week and Months of the Year
This section of the worksheet is dedicated to the days of the week and the months of the year. Kindergarten students can trace the words and can repeat them out loud.
This is a great spelling exercise. It is also very beneficial to teach your kids the days of the week and months of the year. Use these kindergarten worksheets to point out what day it is and what month it is. You can then discuss further.

Dinosaur Mazes
The Dinosaur mazes are an exciting activity for your little one. This activity will help to develop and facilitate problem-solving skills. Create dinosaur footprints to lead the little dinosaurs to the dinosaur eggs!
Your kids simply draw the way out for the dino to get home to his nest or to their eggs. Once completed, your children can colour the pictures.
Free Printable Dinosaur Colouring Pages
Included in this package are free dinosaur themed coloring pages. These pages are not only cute, but easy for your little one to colour. Older kids can have dinosaur fun by adding more details to the colouring pages and creating a whole world for the dinosaurs to live in. Who wouldn’t love coloring baby dinosaurs and creating unique prehistoric creatures.
Your little ones are sure to have a great time colouring all the cute images in different ways. Encourage them to get creative with different colour selections. They are also perfect for your fridge to display with pride.
DOWNLOAD Free Printable Dinosaur Worksheet Package
Download the 25+ page Free Printable Dinosaur Worksheet package here
What Materials do I need for these Printable Dinosaur Worksheets?
You don’t need too many different items in order for your little one to enjoy these worksheets. The following will do just fine:
- A printer to print out the Free Printable Dinosaur Worksheets
- A pencil
- Crayons or markers for colouring
These free printable worksheets are a great way for your children to learn through play and work on fine motor skills for those little hands. Print them off today and watch as your children have fun completing them.
Looking for more educational printables? Check out our Learning Fun section in the Kids Zone!
Check out these other Activity Packs for early learners and have lots of fun for kids of all ages:
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