School is almost out! That means the job of entertaining the kids comes round again. The fine weather will keep them occupied for a time, but there’s bound to be the odd wet or windy day when a run around the park just won’t cut it. Sooner or later, you’ll have to step in with some neat ideas for them to get creative with. For those of us who aren’t naturally crafty, your heart might sink at the prospect. But fear not! here’s some ideas that will keep even the most fidgety kids entertained and even learning too! You can have lots of fun in the summer with science and craft projects for kids.

Take traditional painting, for instance. Get yourself down to your local office supplies store and stock up on paper and pencils, or you could head to a larger store like Tesco which will have everything you need.
Salt creations – One way to give the activity a new twist is to squeeze out lines of PVA glue onto some paper. Cover it generously in salt (tip off the excess to reuse for the next picture) and drop liquid watercolour or food colouring onto the salt. The colour will spread and merge with other colours. Older children can try creating recognizable characters or scenes, but even simple designs work just great.
Colour Bubbles – Another great painting idea – put some dish liquid in a small container with some poster paint and allow the kids to blow (gently!). Then ‘print’ the bubbles by pressing a sheet of paper over the top. Make sure the paint is washable the way , kids are bound to get some paint on their hands and clothes!
Papier-Mâché – I have always loved papier-mâché. A simple yet fun project is to blow up a balloon and cover it with strips of paper (newsprint is fine) soaked in papier-mâché paste. Kinda messy but the kids will love it! Allow to dry and then burst the balloon with a pin and you are left with a solid sphere. Little ones can paint on a face, while older kids could add features like a nose and ears or even attempt a self portrait.
Baking Soda Fun – Have a little bubbly fun! All you need is baking soda, vinegar, food colouring and medicine droppers. Add 1/4 cup of vinegar into several small bowls, and add a few drops of food colouring to create different colours. In a large shallow dish sprinkle a layer of baking soda. Use the medicine dropper to suck up and drop vinegar into the baking soda and watch the magic! Make colourful patterns in the baking soda and have fun making bubbles.
Milk Fireworks – All you need to do is fill a dish with milk. Add a few drops of food coloring, then use a cue tip and put a small amount of dish soap on the end and watch the fireworks of colour happen through the chemical reaction. Super fun and easy and you most likely have most ingredients at home.
Armed with a few simple craft ideas, you will be able to fill your summer with science experiments and crafts. , it is easier then you think! The summer will go by quickly, so make the most of it!
My girl would love to do this one….love how it includes stuff already in the house. Paper mache is fun too, I have such great memories of making different objects in summer camp!
Thanks for the inspiration!
My kids love to horse around and make a mess, so these experiments and crafts are perfect for them. Many could even be done on the covered back deck so the mess stays outside!
Those are great ideas! It’s always fun to try something a little different. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Definitely some fun and creative ideas to keep our little ones busy! I remember loving paper mache when I was young!
I’m already trying to come up with some summer ideas too, they get bored so fast!
That’s so cool! My little one LOVES science experiments! *sigh* I have to always remind her to do them when I’m with her! She has gone to the kitchen to make a volcano while I was in my office working. ACK! LOL
I used to love making different colored blowing bubbles using soap and food coloring and I had a huge collection of all different wands to make different shaped bubbles too!
this one looks fun, would love to do when my nephew comes over
My niece and nephew would love to do this! Thanks for the great ideas!
My niece would love to do this, thanks for the idea! Will put it on the list of things to do when she visits!
These are great ideas. Thanks for posting. Hello from Family Fun Friday.
/these summer science and craft ideas are great. I remember doing papier-mâché, I think the last time I did papier-mâché I mad an egg for Easter. Thank you for sharing these great ideas.
Love these ideas, plenty to keep the kids busy during the holidays. 🙂
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