Looking for Dance, Gymnastics or Cheerleading Classes ? This is your one stop shop for creative athletic classes including dance, cheerleading and gymnastics. There are multiple options for dance, gymnastics and cheerleading classes in Brampton and Mississauga.
To enjoy these classes you simply need athletic clothing to start participating and then each club may have different rules about uniform requirements for classes.

Gymnastic Classes:
Gymnastic classes are a wonderful way to develop strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and overall physical fitness. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gymnast, these classes can cater to various skill levels and age groups. Here’s some general information about gymnastic classes:
Gymnastics Classes in Brampton:
All Star Gymnastics Website: https://www.allstarsportscentre.com/ |
Gymnastic Giants Website: https://www.gymnasticgiants.ca/ |
Flower City Gymnastics Club Website: https://www.brampton.ca/EN/residents/Recreation/Programs-Activities/Pages/Gymnastics.aspx |
Gymnastic Classes in Mississauga:
Gymnastics Mississauga Website: https://gymmississauga.org/ |
Kids Summer Gym Mississauga Website: https://kids-supergym.com/ |
Futures Gymnastics Centre Website: https://futuresgymnastics.com/ |

Dance Classes:
Dance classes for kids can be a fantastic way to introduce them to the world of dance, nurture their creativity, improve coordination, and encourage physical activity in a fun and supportive environment. There are five main types of dance for kids: ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop and acro.
Here’s some information to help you choose dance classes for your child:
Dance Classes in Brampton:
Jo-Anne Chapman School Of Dance Website: http://www.joannechapmandance.com/ |
A New DAEI Dance School Website: http://anewdaei.com/ |
The Studio School of Dance & Music Website: http://www.the-studio.ca/ |
Dancercise Inc Website: http://www.dancercise.ca/ |
Jade’s Hip Hop Academy Website: http://jadeshiphopacademy.com/ |
Axis Dance Studio Website: http://www.axisdance.ca/ |
Dancsync Academy Website: https://www.dancsync.ca/ |
Ms. Marianne Power of Performing Arts Website: https://www.powerofperformingarts.ca/ |
Dance Class in Mississauga:
June Lawrence School of Dance Website: https://junelawrenceschoolofdance.com/ |
Maria Anne Longlade School of Dance Website: https://www.longladedance.com/ |
Mississauga School of Dance Website: https://www.mississaugaschoolofdance.com/ |
Can Dance Academy Website: https://www.candanceacademy.com/home |
Studio Pavas Website: https://www.studiopavas.com/dance |
Erinvale School of Dance Website: https://erinvaledance.com/ |
Latin Energy Dance Website: https://www.latinenergydance.com/ |

Cheerleading Classes:
Cheerleading classes are an exciting and energetic way for individuals to learn and develop cheerleading skills, teamwork, and performance abilities. Cheerleading combines dance, gymnastics, stunts, and cheers to support sports teams and entertain audiences. Here’s some information about cheerleading classes:
Cheerleading in Brampton:
Cheer Fuzion Website: https://cfacheer.com/ |
Cheerleading in Mississauga:
Power Cheer and Tumble Website: https://pctcheerandtumble.com/ |
Thunder Cheer Website: https://thundercheer.ca/pages/facility.html |
Cheer Force Allstars Website: https://cheerforceallstars.ca/ |
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